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"Working Together to Educate and Prepare Positive, Motivated, and Successful Citizens"

Winter Break has come and gone, and we are back in the classroom full swing!

Our December was certainly eventful, with the 1st Trimester wrapping up and pre-holiday season activities and excitement.  The first trimester officially ended on December 1, and to celebrate, Lakeside Elementary held our First Trimester Awards Assembly on December 8; during the assembly, we honored students who showed the most academic growth in the areas of reading, math and specialist classes, students that exemplify our Random Acts of Kindness traits of Respect and Caring, and attendance achievements for students and staff.

There were several holiday activities, including the Kindergarten class inviting friends and family to build gingerbread houses, and several classroom activities.  The library was host to a reading of How the Grinch Stole Christmas to each class and their families, with a surprise visit from the Grinch himself on December 15.  The festivities culminated with our Winter Concert of “Silly Songs and Crazy Carols” on December 19, with each grade performing a choral and instrumental piece; we also had special appearances by the Middle School Band, students of Success Center and the students in the Music group from Community Hour who have been working with Dr. Jacqueline Wilson, an associate professor from Washington State University. 

Our first weeks back from break will be busy with benchmarking assessments in Istation for reading and AIMSweb for math: these assessments occur three times each year (fall, winter and spring), give us insight into how students are progressing with learning the standards at their grade level, and help us to know how to better help all students be academically successful.  We will also be starting our second session of Community Hour for 3rd-5th graders, offering educational experiences in things like cooking, LEGO Robotics, culture and the science of sports.

January and February are limited in extra events and breaks, making this prime learning time, and we are excited to be back in the classroom, learning and growing each day!

Thank you!

Dani Boyd 

Elementary Principal

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